Objectives: To promote the mental health of young people and adolescents from the perspective of healthy neurodevelopment and the social, psychological and clinical determinants of mental health.
Participating institutions: Imhay, Hospital Clínico de la Universidad de Chile, Universidad de Talca, Universidad Austral de Chile, Hospital Base de Valdivia, Hospital de los Angeles, Hospital Base de Osorno and Hospital de Temuco.
Objectives: This network conducts interdisciplinary research for the implementation of technological solutions for the prevention, detection and treatment of mental disorders.
Participating Institutions: Faculty of Medicine, Faculty of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Institute of Communication and Image, Faculty of Social Sciences (University of Chile), Imhay.
Objectives: This is an international collaboration led by WHO that is conducting a multicenter longitudinal study to assess the mental health of young people during their college careers; implement and evaluate internet-based interventions for the prevention and treatment of mental health problems; and disseminate these evidence-based interventions.
Participating Institutions: Imhay, World Health Organization (WHO), Harvard University, Columbia University, Vrije Universtitat Amsterdam, Catholic University of Leuven.
Objectives: To constitute a multidisciplinary space for debate, reflection and action on the potential of digital technologies in areas such as education, culture, communication, participation, law, freedom of expression, among others.
Participating institutions: Institute of Communication and Image (University of Chile), Berkman Klein Center for Internet and Society (Harvard University), UNICEF, Imhay.
Objectives: To improve the mental health of adolescents and youth from a perspective based on individual differences, strengths and resources.
Participating Institutions: Imhay, Universidad Austral de Chile, ZHAW Zurich University of Applied Sciences (Switzerland), Moscow Region State University (Russia), Universidad de Almería (Spain), Università Roma Tre (Italy), University of Social Sciences and Humanities, HCMC Vietnam National University (Vietnam).
Profesor Alberto Zañartu n°1030
Independencia, Santiago de Chile
Núcleo para Mejorar la Salud Mental de Adolescentes y Jóvenes.
Imhay 2025