Área de Investigación: Prevención universal y focalizada


Evaluar la eficacia, efectividad y costo-efectividad de intervenciones dirigidas a adolescentes y jóvenes con factores de riesgo o que ya presentan psicopatología. Se promueve el diseño participativo y el uso de TICs.

Investigadores/as principales a cargo:

Dr. Jorge Gaete
Dra. Carolina Iturra
Dr. Álvaro Langer

Diseño de políticas y planes de acción para el cuidado de la salud mental estudiantil y prevención de la conducta suicida en estudiantes de pregrado de la Universidad de los Andes
Inv. Responsable: 
Dr. Jorge Gaete

Unplugged, a drug use prevention program: adaptation and evaluation of effectiveness among Chilean students ClinicalTrials.gov ID: NCT04236999
Inv. Responsable: Dr. Jorge Gaete

Evaluación del impacto del programa de desarrollo socioemocional “The New Haven” en la prevención del consumo de sustancias de abuso en adolescentes
Inv. Responsable: 
Dr. Jorge Gaete

Prevención del consumo de sustancias de abuso en adolescentes a través del programa para padres LifeSkills Training Program: estudio piloto de aceptabilidad y factibilidad
en adolescentes
Inv. Responsable: 
Dr. Jorge Gaete

Prevención del consumo de sustancias de abuso en adolescentes de enseñanza media a través del programa LifeSkills Training High School: Estudio piloto de aceptabilidad y factibilidad
Inv. Responsable: 
Dr. Jorge Gaete

Evaluación de la implementación del Programa Saliendo Aprendo para mejorar las habilidades de regulación emocional en estudiantes de 5º y 6º Básicos
Inv. Responsable: 
Dr. Jorge Gaete

La hiperandrogenemia en adolescentes con síndrome de ovario poliquístico como modulador negativo de la cognicion social
Inv. Responsable: 
Dr. Juan Pablo del Río
Dr. Pablo Gaspar

Año 2024

Salgado, G., Gaete, J., Gana, S., Valenzuela, D., & Araya, R. (2024). Acceptability, feasibility and fidelity of the culturally adapted version of Unplugged (“Yo Se Lo Que Quiero”), a substance use preventive program among adolescents in Chile: A pilot randomized controlled study. BMC Public Health, 24(1), 2026. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12889-024-19499-2

Dominguez-Rodriguez, A., Herdoiza-Arroyo, P. E., González-Ramírez, L. P., Martínez-Arriaga, R. J., Villarreal-Zegarra, D., Santos da Silva, A. C., González-Cantero, J. O., Vargas Salinas, V. S., S. Mensorio, M., Cisneros Hernández, A. A., Lourenço dos Santos, R., Nieto Ramos, E. G., Albán-Terán, M. G., Mateu-Mollá, J., Ramírez-Martínez, F. R., Colmenero Guadián, A. M., Martínez-Rubio, D., Langer, Á. I., Araya, C., & Castellanos-Vargas, R. O. (2024). Internet-based self-administered intervention to reduce anxiety and depression symptomatology and improve well-being in 7 countries: Protocol of a randomized control trial. Frontiers in Psychology, 15. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2024.1279847

Año 2023

Jovanović, V., Rudnev, M., Abdelrahman, M., Abdul Kadir, N. B. Y., Adebayo, D. F., Akaliyski, P., … Gaete., J… & Pilkauskaite Valickiene, R. (2023). The Coronavirus Anxiety Scale: Cross-national measurement invariance and convergent validity evidence. Psychological Assessmenthttps://doi.org/10.1037/pas0001270

Bussio, M., Arriaza, T., Alvarado, M. E., & Vergés, A. (2023). Psychometric properties of the UPPS-P in Chilean adolescents and adults in treatment. Personality and Individual Differences, 213https://doi.org/10.1016/j.paid.2023.112285

Sepúlveda, C., Ibáñez, C., Libuy, N., Guajardo, V., Araneda, A. M., Contreras, L., Donoso, P., & Mundt, A. P. (2023). Facilitating factors and barriers to the implementation of the Icelandic Prevention Model of Adolescent Substance Use in Chile: A focus group study. Health Promotion Practicehttps://doi.org/10.1177/15248399231201551

Martínez, V. (2023). Importancia de la evidencia científica en intervenciones escolares en salud mental. Estudios Públicos, 171, 125-135. https://doi.org/10.38178/07183089/2132230128

Langer, Á. I., Solano, E., Bacigalupe, L. D., Soto, B., Asenjo, A., Cifuentes, A., Navarrete, I., Vergara, R. C. & Steinebach, C. (2023). Forest bathing diminishes anxiety in undergraduate students: a pilot study in the Valdivian temperate rainforest. Journal of Forest Researchhttps://doi.org/10.1080/13416979.2023.2232086

Vargas, B.Martínez, P.Mac-Ginty, S.Hoffmann, T., & Martínez, V. (2023). Implementation strategies and outcomes of school-based programs for adolescent suicide prevention: A scoping review protocol. PLoS One, 18(5). https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0284431

Libuy, N., Ibáñez, C., Araneda, A. M., Donoso, P., Contreras, L., Guajardo, V., & Mundt, A. (2023). Community-Based prevention of substance use in adolescents: outcomes before and during the COVID-19 pandemic in Santiago, Chile. Prevention Sciencehttps://doi.org/10.1007/s11121-023-01539-9

Parra-Cardona, R., Fuentes-Balderrama, J., Cantizano Rioseco, L., Monreal Arcil, F. J., Correa Molina, M. L., Martic Guazzini, D., Ford Narváez, A., Neira González, A., Sánchez Ahumada, M., Chacón Sandoval, A., Marín Montecinos, J., & Gaete, J. (2023). Building bridges through cultural adaptation: Examining the initial impact of a culturally adapted parent training intervention for the Chilean context. Family Process, 1-9. https://doi.org/10.1111/famp.12855

Martínez, V., & Miranda-Castillo, C. (Ed). (2023). Prevention and early treatment of depression throught the life course. Springer.

Tapia-Muñoz, T., Miranda-Castillo, C., & Martínez, V(2023) Introduction. En V. Martínez & C. Miranda-Castillo (Ed). Prevention and early treatment of depression throught the life course (pp 1-7). Springer

Lira, D., & Martínez, V. (2023). Digital technology interventions for preventing and treating youth depression. En V. Martínez & C. Miranda-Castillo (Ed). Prevention and early treatment of depression throught the life course (pp 55-74). Springer

Medeiros, S., Langer, A., I., & Stolzenbach, S. (2023). Contemplation of nature to promote mental health and prevent depression in youth. En V. Martínez & C. Miranda-Castillo (Ed). Prevention and early treatment of depression throught the life course (pp 75-95). Springer

Jiménez-Molina, A., Franco, P., Mac-Ginty, S., & Martínez, V. (2023). Internet-based interventions for prevention and early treatment of depression in higher education students. En V. Martínez & C. Miranda-Castillo (Ed). Prevention and early treatment of depression throught the life course (pp 97-119). Springer

Año 2022

Hoffmann, T.Valdebenito, R., Silva, C. A., Langer, A. I., Püschel, N., Muñoz-Kortmann, V., & Martínez, V. (2022). Cambio climático y salud mental: conceptos, aproximaciones teóricas y propuestas. Revista Chilena de Psiquiatría y Neurología de la Infancia y adolescencia, 33(3), 70-78.

Vargas, B. (2022). Prevención del suicidio en personas adolescentes indígenas y migrantes. Revista Chilena de Psiquiatría y Neurología de la Infancia y Adolescencia, 33(2), 69-74.

Valenzuela, D., Turunen, T., Gana, S., Rojas-Barahona, C. A., Araya, R., Salmivalli, C., & Gaete, J. (2022) Effectiveness of the KiVa Antibullying Program with and without the Online Game in Chile: a Three-Arm Cluster Randomized Controlled Trial. Prevention Sciencehttps://doi.org/10.1007/s11121-022-01379-z

Vergara, R. C., Baquedano, C., Lorca-Ponce, E., Steinebach, C., & Langer, Á. I. (2022). The Impact of Baseline Mindfulness Scores on Mindfulness-Based Intervention Outcomes: Toward Personalized Mental Health Interventions. Frontiers in Psychology13https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2022.934614

Gaete, J., Inzunza, C., Ramírez, S., Valenzuela, D., Rojas, C., & Araya, R. (2022). The Social Competence Promotion Program among Young Adolescents (SCPP-YA) in Chile (“Mi Mejor Plan”) for substance use prevention among early adolescents: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial. Trials23https://doi.org/10.1186/s13063-022-06472-w

Núñez, D., Villacura-Herrera, C., Celedón, K., Ulloa, J. L., Ramos, N., Spencer, R., & Fresno, A. (2022). Identifying self-report measures of emotion regulation and evaluating their psychometric properties: a protocol for a systematic review. BMJ Open12(5). http://dx.doi.org/10.1136/bmjopen-2021-056193

Gaete, J., Ramírez, S., Gana, S., Valenzuela, D., & Araya, R. (2022). The Unplugged program in Chile (“Yo Sé Lo Que Quiero”) for substance use prevention among early adolescents: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial. Trials, 23(76). https://doi.org/10.1186/s13063-021-05904-3

Año 2021

Arhuis-Inca, W., Ipanaqué-Zapata, M., Bazalar-Palacios, J., Quevedo-Calderón, N., & Gaete, J. (2021). Violence at school and bullying in school environments in Peru: Analysis of a virtual platform. Frontiers in Psychology, 11. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2020.543991

Gaete, J., Valenzuela, D., Godoy, M. I., Rojas-Barahona, C. A., Salmivalli, C., & Araya, R. (2021). Validation of the Revised Olweus Bully/Victim Questionnaire (OBVQ-R) among adolescents in Chile. Frontiers in Psychology, 12. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2021.578661

Martínez, V., Espinosa-Duque, D., Jiménez-Molina, Á., Rojas, G., Vöhringer, P. A., Fernández-Arcila, M., Luttges, C., Irarrázaval, M., Bauer, S., & Moessner, M. (2021). Feasibility and acceptability of “Cuida tu Ánimo”(Take Care of Your Mood): An internet-based program for prevention and early intervention of adolescent depression in Chile and Colombia. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(18). https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph18189628

Año 2020

Parada, F., Martínez, V., Espinosa, HD., Bauer, S. & Moessner, M. (2020). using persuasive systems design model to evaluate “Cuida tu Ánimo”: An internet-based pilot program for prevention and early intervention of adolescent depression. Telemedicine and e-Health, 26(2), 251-254. https://doi.org/10.1089/tmj.2018.0272

Año 2019

Jiménez-Molina, Á., Franco, P., Martínez, V., Martínez, P., Rojas, G., & Araya, R. (2019). Internet-based interventions for the prevention and treatment of mental disorders in Latin America: A scoping review. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 10, 664. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyt.2019.00664

“Co-design and pilot evaluation of an implementation facilitation strategy for the adoption of a gatekeeper intervention to reduce adolescent suicidal risk in Chilean public schools”
Estudiante: Belén Vargas
Dra. Vania Martínez

Adaptación, factibilidad y aceptabilidad de una intervención transdiagnóstica digital para la prevención de depresión y ansiedad en estudiantes universitarios.
Daniela Lira
Dra. Vania Martínez

Profiles of bullying behavior in school children.
Marcela Cárcamo
Tutor/a: Dr. Jorge Gaete

Acceptability and feasibility of Unplugged (Yo Se Lo Que Quiero) a program to prevent substance use among adolescents: a pilot study.
Gabriel Salgado
Tutor/a: Dr. Jorge Gaete